A Strange New World! Some light in the darkness

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The world as we know it has been turned upside down in the past three weeks and it is difficult to avoid getting caught up in the stress, fear and uncertainty of what the future may bring. We are worried about the safety of our elderly and vulnerable loved ones and friends. Some of us have been thrust into demanding new roles as home schoolers while trying to manage our own work and run a home at the same time. Many of us are worried about our job security and what lies ahead in the coming weeks and months.

However, though this continues to be a very turbulent time, it has also delivered some positives in terms of both the environment and our relationships with each other.  We think now would be a good time to acknowledge some of the surprising benefits of the crisis so far.

  1. The planet is can breathe again. In the space of just three weeks, CO2 and NO2 emissions have dropped significantly, largely due to the travel restrictions which have been imposed by Governments. Check out this insightful article from the Guardian to learn more.
  2. Community spirit has been re-ignited. Social media is now awash with many incredibly heart-warming expressions of human solidarity and appreciation such as balcony sing-songs and organised clapping for the amazing medical staff working so hard on the frontline. Just watch this fabulous video by the women of B Corporations if you need a lift today!
  3. Support for the elderly and vulnerable has increased. The crisis we are in has moved supermarkets and retailers to allocate specific time slots for the elderly and local shops and volunteers to drop off supplies to their vulnerable neighbours. Visit ALONE, Friends of The Elderly or IVol.ie to volunteer or share these resources with a loved one who may need them.
  4. We are appreciating the simple life. Yes, we are in the middle of a crisis but there has never been a better time to connect with your community (and yourself!), start that new hobby or get out in the garden. There are some brilliant free resources online. Here are some free sites to get you started.
  5. We are getting back to basics with our food. Have you joined the banana bread and sourdough baking frenzy yet? With most of our time being spent at home these days, more and more of us are thinking about our food and where it comes from. We are giving consideration to things we may not have previously such as food miles and fair-trade produce. Let’s support our local community at this time by buying organic, seasonal food where possible. Last, but not least, please remember those reusable bags when you venture out for your shopping!

The team at Earthology urges you to do all you can to stay safe and to watch out for your loved ones at this difficult time. And remember that this too shall pass.

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